roaring n. 咆哮,怒号,喧噪;【兽医】(马的)喘鸣症。 adj. 1.吼叫的,咆哮的,怒号的,轰鸣的;暴风雨的(夜等)。 2.喧哗的,鼓噪的,吵闹的。 3.〔口语〕兴旺的,(生意)兴隆的。 roaring applause 雷鸣一般的鼓掌喝彩。 a roaring night 暴风雨之夜,纵酒狂闹之夜。 drive a roaring trade 生意兴隆。 in roaring health 非常健康,精神饱满。
Roaring waves thrashed against the huge rock 汹涌的波涛拍打着那块巨石。
The sea will rise over babylon ; its roaring waves will cover her 42海水涨起、漫过巴比伦他被许多海浪遮盖。
As the sound of wind blowing through pines sound like the rhythmic roaring waves , it is also called " song tao " , the roaring pines 由于风吹过松林的声音很像海涛的韵律,所以也被称为“松涛” 。
The yalung zangbo river is a splendid belt , a halo reflecting your holi - ness and purity , its firing flame of roaring waves penetrate violent storms 雅鲁藏布江是一条彩带,映衬着你圣洁的光环,江涛呼啸的烈焰,穿透命运的狂风和暴雨。
In the morning , the tour will head for la bufadora where is this geo we view the roaring waves that make incessant splashes . the picturesque scenic rocky coast , and flying seagulls 上午前往加普发多拉喷泉,天然海水喷泉,沿著海岸可见光怪陆离的岩穴,海水拍岸,浪花四溅,堪称海上奇景。